Milk and Whiskey

Assorted Writings from Assorted Peoples

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Everything Sounds Better In Italian

says Adam
though Sarah thinks
that means everything
sounds better in Italy:
water lapping at the boat
along the Grand Canal in Venice,
say, or (her choice) the
crunch of Nutter Butters
munched on hills outside of Rome.

She may be right – she almost always is.
Though I can’t say I like her taste in food
(she’s three — the age where what she eats
is one ingredient in many forms) she has a sense
of the aesthetic preternaturally advanced
and will arrange her plate
or playspace with intent so
everything is perfect and she knows
if even one peanut’s disturbed.
So, when I say
no, sweetie, what he means is
words sound better in Italian
says of course,
‘cause everything is better over there.


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